Nih , product keluaran NATIVE INSTRUMENTS.....
Yup, Native Instruments adalah salah satu perusahaan yang membuat beberapa plugins berbayar terbaik saat ini. Namun diluar itu, Native Instruments ternyata mempunyai dua produk yang dapat di download dengan gratis. Kedua produk itu adalah Kore 2 Player dan Kontakt 4 Player.
Beberapa quotes:
"Kore 2 Player can host the many Kore 2 instruments that are available, but also comes with 150 (400MB) instrument and effect patches to get you started. Kontakt 4 Player does the same for Kontakt 4 libraries, but can be filled up for free with the Kontakt 4 Factory Selection, which contains 50 instruments."
Dua Link Download Gratis dari product Native Instruments :
01. Download Native Instruments Kore 2 Player :
DownLoad diSiNi
02. Download Native Instruments Kontakt 4 Player :
DOWNLOAD di SINI aja, brow..!
SELAMAT MENCOBA...........!!!!